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拥有四千多年历史的的中国春节,是中国人民最隆重的传统节日。是一个象征着团结、兴旺,新希望的开始。 诚挚的邀请您加入“2022 CIPM外交官中国春节大联欢---新春祝福视频秀”活动!我们的口号:拜年啦!...


At the Embassy,
Tell Chinese Story



2015-01-06 来源:

导语:Speechby H.E. Mr. M. Fazlul Karim, Ambassador of Bangladesh at the Fifth DiplomaticCultural Festival 2014, Forbidden City, Beijing Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel privileged to address this august gatheringat a magnificent histo

Speechby H.E. Mr. M. Fazlul Karim, Ambassador of Bangladesh at the Fifth DiplomaticCultural Festival 2014, Forbidden City, Beijing

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I feel privileged to address this august gatheringat a magnificent historic site, particularly on a substance that constitutesthe core element of our identity and tradition. Cultural heritage reflects thecreativity and adaptation skills of the human race with the ever evolvingsurroundings.

Living in a global village today, we canappreciate the beauty of our diverse culture. Each nation and community withits distinct cultural features represents a peerless piece of stone in themosaic of our universal cultural heritage. Throughout the human history, all ofus have sought to relentlessly enrich our individual cultures through sharingof experience and values and collaboration with other cultural entities. Suchcontinued interactions and exchanges among cultures over the years have hadimmense contribution in the promotion of inter-communal solidarity, mutualunderstanding and peace, as well as in the advancement of human civilization.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Coming as I do from a country that formsa bridge between two regions in Asia, I can well appreciate the significance ofpromotion and preservation of cultural heritage. Bangladesh is a relatively newcountry in an ancient land. The civilization of present-day Bangladesh datesback over four millennia, to the copper age. The country is bestowed with a highly diversified cultural heritage.Numerous travelers of diverse cultural backgrounds passed through this land andmany of  them even settled here.  Such regular and intense interactions with peoplefrom various corners of the world have enabled us to continuously enrich ourculture and also to develop in our society a sense of inclusiveness andsolidarity vis-à-vis the others.

Artifacts of prehistoric people as wellas enormous monuments of recent history can be found in our land. Earliestremains come from Mahasthangar in the northern district of Bogra andWari-Batashar of Narshingdi district in the central part of the country. Theruins of Mahastanghar represent Pundanagar, the provincial capital establishedby the Mauryans in the 3rd century BC which was in flourishing stagein the succeeding periods of Guptas, Senas and the Muslims. The twin villageWari-Batashar has yielded artifacts of petrified wood of prehistoric era and avariety of objects like: water reservoirs, punched silver coins, and weapons.

The colossal monastery at Paharpur inthe northern Noagaon district is the second largest single monastery in southof the Himalayas which was established in the 8th century AD by thegreat Pala emperor Dharmapala. The Majestic 77-domed mosque and adjacent KhanJahan’s Tomb complex in south-western Bagherhat district and Lalbagh Fort andDhakeshwari Temple in Dhaka, Kantaji’s temple in northern Dinajpur district,Sona Mosque in northern Rangpur districts are the most notable of its kinds inBangladesh. These magnificent monuments and historical sites testify thethriving past of the Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim communities in this land. Iinvite you all to visit Bangladesh to enjoy the grandeur and beauty of allthese places.
Excellencies, Ladies& Gentlemen,
Among 488 enlisted national heritagesites in Bangladesh, the ruins of Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur and the historicmosque complex of Bagerhat have been declared as the World Heritage sites byUNESCO. Besides, few other sites like Halud Vihara, Jaggadala Vihara, LalbaghFort, Mahasthangarh and its environs, the Lalmai-Mainamati Group of Monumentsare included in the Tentative list of World Heritage.
The Government of Bangladesh with itslimited means has been trying to conserve all these historic sites and relics.Although Bangladeshi archeologists have by now acquired considerable knowledgeand expertise on conservation issues, but more research work is needed to findthe solutions that best suits our specific conservation needs. Internationalcooperation in this regard would be immensely useful. Let us share theresponsibilities, according to our capabilities, in the preservation andpromotion of our common heritage.
I admire the efforts of the Chinesegovernment in preserving the country’s archaeological heritage and promotingcultural exchanges among nations. I am confident that our two countries willbenefit immensely from further strengthening collaboration in the conservationof historic sites and artifacts.
I conclude by conveying my heartiestgratitude to the organizers of this wonderful event.
I thank you all.

