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拥有四千多年历史的的中国春节,是中国人民最隆重的传统节日。是一个象征着团结、兴旺,新希望的开始。 诚挚的邀请您加入“2022 CIPM外交官中国春节大联欢---新春祝福视频秀”活动!我们的口号:拜年啦!...


At the Embassy,
Tell Chinese Story


I am the director of Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Centre in Beijing

2024-05-06 来源: Embassy

导语:Dialogue Mr. Ali, Director of Türkiye Cultural Center in Beijing


Hello, Mr Ali, we are glad that you have accepted our interview. Please introduce yourself to our readers. Who are you, where are you from? Why did you come to China?

Hi, I am the director of Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Centre in Beijing. I am from Turkiye. Before Beijing I worked in Afghanistan, Romania, Somalia and Georgia as a director of Yunus Emre Institute. We are here to build new cultural bridges between two rich cultures and to strengthen our friendship.

When thinking about China, what springs to your mind first? Which cultural symbol resonate with you? 

The first things that comes to my mind about China are the friendly people, traditional Chinese architecture and the great wall. Also China has many other rich cultures.


Could you describe your first impression of China?

I am coming to China for the first time and the thing that impresses me the most is that we have a lot of common cultural values. For example, hospitality is one of them. A person is not asked how are you, they are asked if you are hungry. In our culture, we also welcome a person by eating together at our table first.

 What, in your opinion, is the most significant cultural difference between China and Turkiye?

 In fact, I don't think there are huge cultural differences between Turkiye and China because both cultures are important representatives of the east.


What does the Türkiye Cultural Center in Beijing plan to do this year?

As Yunus Emre Institute, we are planning events where there will be more cultural interaction and exchanges. We want to highlight our common cultural values. We believe that we should get to know each other better and we say "Let's get to know each other".

What do you think of the diplomatic activity of art "When the Chinese Loong meets the blue eye" jointly organized by China and Türkiye? Will you introduce more Türkiye artists and their works to China this year

This event was really very meaningful. Two countries that are far from each other, but actually so close. We have seen how unifying Culture and Art are. We are planning to hold joint exhibitions and workshops of Turkish and Chinese artists again this year.  


Would you like to share with us your leisure activities and hobbies?

 In my free time, I like to take a walk, read books, play the flute and watch movies.

Lastly, please leave some words for our readers. Thank you!

 I would like to end my words with a poem by Yunus Emre, an important Turkish poet. "Let's get acquainted, let's make it easy, let's love and be loved, this world is not left for anyone. " Thanks…


