导语: 一起去游览史上最友善热情的现代化共和国——马其顿。 驻华大使奥利维·沙贝斯基先生说,“万水千山,请爱马其顿”。 那就在春天的和煦阳光里,将激情和梦想燃烧在这个欧洲新商业乐园里吧。
It seems that the spring of 2010 has arrived in Beijing a little late.
That’s because the passion of spring has gone to Shanghai, where the World Expo of attention will be held, where all the treasure and blessings will gather.
This month's "Diplomats" magazine recommends the 2010 Shanghai World Expo we are proud of.
"Better City, Better Life."
And everything starts from Macedonia.
Those big historical events seem to have a special association with this old empire in Balkans.
Macedonia - that unforgettable name evoking images of ancient, great civilizations and exotic adventure - is also a warm and welcoming modern-day republic in the very heart of southeastern Europe. While easily accessible from all points abroad, and boasting all the amenities of the Western world, Macedonia remains one of Europe’s last great undiscovered countries: a natural paradise of mountains, lakes and rivers, where life moves to a different rhythm, amidst the sprawling grandeur of rich historical ruins and idyllic villages that have remained practically unchanged for centuries.
The Macedonia Pavilion in 2010 Shanghai World Expo was designed in a wonderful workmanship. The unique "Honeycomb" will let hundreds of flowers blossom.
In the happiness of the honey and flowers, we invite you to visit the the most friendly and enthusiastic modern country in history- Macedonia.
Mr Oliver Shambevski, the newly appointed Ambassador to China, said "For the sake of the thousands of mountains and rivers, please love Macedonia."
Therefore, in the warm spring sunshine, light our passion and dream in this new business park in Europe.